Clean Marine Solutions is thrilled to announce that Jarrett Bay Boatworks, the largest full-service boatyard on the East Coast, has chosen Clean Marine Solutions to install our advanced VANISH Wastewater Treatment and Recycle system.

JBB purchased the second VANISH Wastewater Treatment and Recycle system. This early VANISH was built in 2009 and is still going strong.

As Jarrett Bay expands its operations, Clean Marine Solutions is partnering with them to enhance their capacity for treating and recycling wastewater generated from yacht washing to 200-ft.

This wastewater, often contaminated with toxic metals harmful to marine ecosystems, will be effectively treated by the VANISH system.

Just as Jarrett Bay continues to set the standard for yacht construction and  service, Clean Marine Solutions continues to set the standard for Wastewater Treatment & Recycling  technology.

Our state-of-the-art VANISH system collects and treat this hazardous wastewater, producing clarified water with metal concentrations lower than the Environmental Protection Agency’s threshold for drinking water. This treated effluent will then be reused for washing another yacht, contributing to significant water resource savings.

Our proprietary polymers bind the metals in the precipitate – producing a non-toxic waste that can typically be disposed with other yard trash.

Jarrett Bay continues to set the standard as a world leader in yacht construction, service, and environmental compliance, and we are proud to support their commitment to sustainability.
